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3D View of terrain of railroad yard

Terrain / VirtualPlanetBuilder Consultation

Client: New York Air Brake Train Dynamic Systems Description : Provided consultation on OpenSceneGraph terrain visualization topics for freight train simulator visuals. Designed VPB integration and custom depth partitioning schemes to manage multi-resolution terrain databases. Constructed custom tools for building small subsets of VPB terrain affected by terrain updates, and custom shaders to render geotypical

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3D helicopter over desert

3D Multi-Air-Craft Telemetry Black-box Replay Display

Client: Confidential defense contractor Description : AlphaPixel designed and implemented a realtime 3D display to depict the positions and movements of multiple air craft and armaments within a realistic terrain environment, controlled by their “black box” telemetry either from pre-recorded files or live network data sources. The terrain environment was built from real-world GIS data

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Diagram of satellite communications around the Earth
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