xR/VR/AR/MR Software Development Consulting

What are VR/AR/MR and xR?

MakeVR Virtual Reality headset CAD software

VR stands for Virtual Reality, a term coined in the 80s by pioneer Jaron Lanier to mean a synthetic world that could be experienced by a human, usually with stereo goggles/headset. AR stands for Augmented Reality, a phrase coined at Boeing in the early 90s to describe virtual reality that combines a part of the real world with the virtual world, also usually performed using headsets or other human-head apparatus. MR (Mixed Reality) is sometimes synonymous with AR, however it usually implies a greater influence of the real world objects upon the virtual world by digitizing them and allowing the virtual world to be aware of and respond to them.

xR is a catch-all term that encompasses VR, AR and MR, and presumably any other R’s that science and industry invent in the future. As a catch-all, it might refer to see-through headset-mounted additive optics displays, transparent displays that work like windows, camera-driven AR with conventional opaque headsets, or Pokémon Go-style mobile-device scene capture and augmentation.

How can AlphaPixel Development help me with VR/AR/MR/xR software development?

Two 1990s VR headsets on display on mannikin heads
Early Virtual Reality Headsets

Whatever kind of VR, AR, MR or xR you are looking for, AlphaPixel Development can help you solve your difficult problems. We have team members who have been doing VR since the early 90s on some of the earliest realtime 3d-capable computer platforms. We’ve used nearly every kind of exotic virtual reality input device you can imagine, going back to the Nintendo PowerGlove, decades of evolution of headsets, leading up to today’s top-performing no-compromises VR/AR/xR devices. We had the first port of osgEarth running on the Oculus Rift DK2 at IITSEC in 2015! Today, we work on Mixed Reality and Augmented reality implementations of OpenGL, OpenSceneGraph and Vulkan software using OpenxR, Varjo, Meta/Oculus, HTC , HoloLens and Valve platforms. We contributed to support for the OVR_Multiview2 extension in OpenSceneGraph to improve rendering performance, especially in highly-multiview applications like hi-res inset foveated rendering and have optimized numerous client software to boost render speed and lower latency for xR applications.

Two men examining US Military IVAS Mixed/Augmented Reality headset prototypes
IVAS test articles

We ported OpenSceneGraph to the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) to run Augmented Reality OpenSceneGraph on the Microsoft HoloLens 1 & 2. We’ve done embedded and mobile device Augmented Reality navigation tools on tablets, phones and heads-up displays and worked on projects for the IVAS program.

Whatever kind of VR, AR, MR or xR you are looking for, AlphaPixel Development can help you solve your difficult problems. We have team members who have been doing VR since the early 90s on some of the earliest realtime 3d-capable computer platforms. We’ve used nearly every kind of exotic virtual reality input device you can imagine, going back to the Nintendo PowerGlove, decades of evolution of headsets, leading up to today’s top-performing no-compromises VR/AR/xR devices. We had the first port of osgEarth running on the Oculus Rift DK2 at IITSEC in 2015! Today, we work on Mixed Reality and Augmented reality implementations of OpenGL, OpenSceneGraph and Vulkan software using OpenxR, Varjo, Meta/Oculus, HTC and Valve platforms. We contributed to support for the OVR_Multiview2 extension in OpenSceneGraph to improve rendering performance, especially in highly-multiview applications like hi-res inset foveated rendering and have optimized numerous client software to boost render speed and lower latency for xR applications.

We ported OpenSceneGraph to the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) to run Augmented Reality OpenSceneGraph on the Microsoft HoloLens 1 & 2. We’ve done embedded and mobile device Augmented Reality navigation tools on tablets, phones and heads-up displays and worked on projects for the IVAS program. We work on iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, MacOS and platforms like Unity and Unreal.

When you want to Extend Your Reality, be it Virtual, Augmented or Mixed, AlphaPixel is who you want to solve your difficult problems.

We’ve been (virtually) everywhere, man.


When you want to Extend Your Reality, be it Virtual, Augmented or Mixed, AlphaPixel is who you want to solve your difficult problems.

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